Long Hours, Long Nights

I feel so bad for Mike lately. He's really been stressed out. I think I mentioned that he went from a regular recruiter to managing the station our first or second month here. He's been thrown into his job to sink or swim and the guy who was training him... Well, he's leaving soon, so you know how that goes. In any case, Mike's been getting a lot of heat from HQ. I'm not sure why since he has been making his mission every month, but I guess that's just the way it goes.

In the last two weeks he's gotten numerous visits from his superiors, he's had an inspection, and his boss came down for a visit. Mind you, we are 4 hours away from HQ, so they don't just normally pop in. In any case, he's been really stressed out and working very long hours. He actually is on his way home now and it's almost midnight.

I wish there was something I could do for him. But there isn't much. I try to get him to talk about it, but he'll get upset or frustrated or angry. He tries not to bring work problems home, but lately it's been leaking out. I know he's under a tremendous amount of stress or he wouldn't even mention it. If that makes sense. My husband is, after all, a Marine. He doesn't go around talking about his feelings.

I mentioned to him that we should have a family moral night this Friday. I suggested the recruiters and their families could all go bowling in the afternoon and then get released for the day. I'd say weekend, but his job is never done, so I know that won't happen. He thought it was a great idea, but now he realized he has training Friday and both of his recruiters will be out of the office. So no moral day for us. I hope we get to do one soon, because he really needs it.

Well, he just pulled up. I'm going to go greet my husband and talk to him for a few minutes before he falls exhausted into bed.

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